Sanity is a rough interior model of my bedroom in my home apartment that I share with my siblings. I wanted this model to show the structure of the room and the relationship between the space and its occupants. I felt that cardboard was a material with rigidity and thickness so I used it to represent the thick walls of the room. The room has two entries and a wide window. I have decided to take out the room from the apartment unit, into a separate space to allow myself to experiment with various angles of an external light source.
Exterior Perspective 1
Interior Perspective
Exterior Perspective 2
Inner Mirror
The model is also an interior closeup model showing the relationship between light and the space. As you can see, instead of having an external light source, the source of light is placed inside the model. The floor is made of clear, translucent PET plastic allowing light to come through and with an external light source, the walls and occupants’ reflections become apparent. Overall, I think it is a successful model because it demonstrates my idea the way I intended it to.
Exterior Perspective 1
Exterior Perspective 2
Exterior Perspective 3
This is a detailed, interior sectional model as it shows the pattern of structure in the space and its potential building materials, like concrete and timber, represented by boxboard and balsa wood sticks.
Exterior perspective 1 (see also ShadowExperimentation Blog post)
Close-up perspective
Exterior perspective 2
Corroded Masterpiece
Corroded Masterpiece was created by accident. It’s curves and dents were formed when I wanted to glue two pieces of Styrofoam together with UHU glue. It is a quick concept model showing a possibility of how a space could look like and how I want a warm glow to enter the space.
Exterior Perspective 1
Exterior perspective 2
Interior perspective
Gloocove is a site model of a natural landscape. A piece of soft paper was crumpled and folded to create a cave-like structure to represent carved stone or ice in reality. The cotton balls represent fog or mist. An interior shot was taken to show an interior perspective view of the space.
Exterior perspective (rendered)
Bird's eye view
Interior perspective
Overall, I think my models exhibit many ways of communicating ideas, materiality, site and the relationship between a space and its occupants. However, I would love to create more models to show different ways of how lighting can enter a space taught in Week 7’s Light and Scale lecture. Also, one thing I would like to improve on is my software skills because by creating digital models, you could have more realistic rendering.